All over Africa power poses a mayor challenge and renewable energy provides a solution that could address this problem and could potentially change communities. Teheka Solar has installed thousands of low pressure geyser systems in partnership with South Africa power giant ESKOM, and has also provided energy efficient solutions to prestigious clients like Sasol, Protea, most of the mayor mining houses etc and will export these expertise to West Africa via Teheka West Africa.
Teheka is a renewable energy solutions company with a core capability in three main
categories within the industry: Low Pressure Solar Geyser Systems High Pressure Solar Geyser Systems Photovoltaic systems and Heat Pumps Hybrid Solutions & boiler installations Lighting Energy Saving Solutions Aircon Energy Saving Solutions Teheka is an accredited supplier and installations merchant of Kwikot.
Our Suppliers has SABS approval on EVT technology systems Accredited supplier on the Eskom DSM SWH Rebate program First supplier to register a Retrofit system (Using existing geysers) Direct EVT systems that are freeze resistant as tested at SABS Kwikot and Green Water geysers ensures a 80% local product content High efficiency vacuum tube technology Installed base in excess of 60,000 units Research and development initiatives & maintenance support
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