After West Africa’s Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM – Regional Stock Exchange), in Côte d’Ivoire, Jean Claude Mgbwa, President of the Financial Markets Commission (CMF), the regulatory body of the Douala Stock Exchange (DSX), went to Libreville in February, we learned in an official communiqué.
During his stay in Gabon, the President of CMF had a work session with the management of the Central African Financial Market Supervision Commission (Cosumaf), regulatory institution of the Bourse des Valeurs Mobilières de l’Afrique Centrale (BVMAC – Central African Stock Exchange), whose headquarters are located in the Gabonese capital.
This meeting between regulatory institutions for both stock exchanges, who compete in the CEMAC zone, we learn, “is within the framework of a partnership approach which would contribute to instilling a new financial market development momentum in Central Africa”.
A development which many experts cannot foresee outside of the merger of BVMAC and DSX, two stock markets whose creations were more due to national egotism rather than a real will to equip the CEMAC zone with an efficient financial market.