Management of the company Soyobeans Processing Industry of Cameroon (SOPROICAM) are in despair. During a recent visit to the production area of the oilseed crop sector actors, Yves Kollo Atangana, Managing Director of SOPROICAM, revealed the difficulties in supplying this soybean processing unit with raw material, due to the export of local production to Nigeria.
According to him, in spite of the investment made by this agro-industrial company in the supervision of producers and the provision of inputs, these producers do not hesitate to sell their production to Nigerian traders who cream off Cameroonian markets, and propose far more attractive prices to producers.
“This is a good thing for the farmer. But, it is foreign currency leaving the country. We should process this soybean, the local market needs it. The State wants to promote animal breeding. To do this, it needs the meal that is required, in a large part, in the feed and production of livestock”, emphasises Yves Kollo Atangana, who asks for support of the State to stamp out the trend.
As a reminder, SOPROICAM is an agro-industrial unit installed in the area of Yato, near the city of Douala. It aims, with time, to produce 50 tons of soybean oil daily. Likewise for meal.
With businessincameroon