The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is convincing an increasing number of economic players and transforming companies. It is characterised by the consideration of environmental and social responsibilities in the global strategy of a company. It covers multiple areas of action: rational resources management, human resources management, fight against climate change, customer, supplier and stakeholder relationships management, etc. In addition to positive environmental and social impacts, a CSR approach carries important benefits for businesses. It improves its relationships with stakeholders and its reputation, it heightens the involvement of its employees, generates savings due to a better use of resources.
The CSR wave is on its way, including more recently in Africa, where initiatives have multiplied (creation of business networks, dedicated training, CSR labels). The newsletter Secteur Privé & Développement – quarterly newsletter from Proparco – geared towards analysing and understanding the mechanisms through which the private sector can contribute to the development of Southern countries – explored in its latest edition the CSR projects in Africa. The newsletter pits expertise versus experiences, private groups Lafarge and SIFCA thus reflect on their CSR approach in Africa; and Investissement et Parternaires (I&P), WWF and Proparco explain their influential work as investor, NGO and financial and development institution. This issue of the publication questions the future of the CSR dynamic on the continent: in which conditions can it flourish and create a domino effect throughout the whole private sector?
Download the newsletter from the Proparco website, subsidiary of the French Agency for Development dedicated to the financing of the private sector:
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